The “Alchesay” is a tribute to a great Arizonan, Apache Native and American from the Civil War. As a scout William Alchesay heroically aided American troops during the Indian Wars and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions in the apprehension of Geronimo. As an American Made company with deep Arizona ties we could think of no-one better to honor. Like it’s all-muscle and sinew namesake, the “Alchesay” is meant for the field. Hi-vis orange handles make it easy to spot and hard to leave behind after tasks in the wilds or office. The utilitarian Wharncliffe style blade is perfect for utility, whittling and fieldcraft. Bottle opener and flat-head screw driver accompany the blade. Opposing the blade is the sewing awl and small flat-tip driver/scraper, pry. Made with CPM Steels and 6Al4V Titanium throughout; liners, hardware and American molded handles as always.
Weight: 2.4oz
Blade length: 2.9'
Closed length: 3.63'