The Mini [4.6'] comes with a Pilot G2 Mini 0.7mm refill.Many of our customers like to use their own personal favorites, however, and so we put together a list of compatible refills that work with our pens:
Bolt Action Mini and Side Click Mini
The Bolt Action Mini comes with a Pilot G2 mini.
ThePilot G2 Mini is about 0.7” shorter than the Parker style refills and is still about 0.2' too short for the Fisher Space Pen refill without the adapter on the back. It’s a weird oddball of a refill and about the only thing we have found that works is getting a 3D printed adapter that allows you to use D1 refills:
One day we will get a 3D printer and start offering these from our website, but for now you can get one from the link above. There are a few good D1 refills, but my favorite is the Jetstream version you can find here: